Welcome to the Graceful Way -When Your Mess Becomes Your Message

Welcome to the Graceful Way

As someone who knowingly stepped into an entrepreneurial role at the young age of 24, I had no idea back then how owning my own business would heavily and wonderfully shape my life.  I harnessed the skills of communication, customer service, and confidence. I stepped boldly into new roles, new services, and new arenas as I let my creativity and my curiosity lead me. I built a beautiful company from the ground up, and I built so many incredible relationships along the way. But what I didn’t realize at the time, was that I was building a foundation upon which my purpose could be planted and continue to grow. 

As years have passed, I’ve stepped into and out of many varying pursuits including those in the areas of Health and Wellness, Culinary, and Art, and when I glance back now on my life, the common thread that has woven all of my pursuits together is that of nurturing: of taking all that is me and finding a way to serve others. I’ve cared for pets and homes, I’ve provided wellness and holistic advice, I’ve fed and nourished, and I’ve created little works of art to inspire. With each passing day and each new journey, I grow closer to my core. 

In recent years, life has found a way of tempering me. I, like we all have and will, have had to face the at first unpalatable taste of aging, of facing mortality. Time has caught up with me, death has visited me, grief has held me. And although unsavory at first, these moments have become my biggest teachers and my biggest call to presence. They have made me appreciate my life and hold this experience close to my heart. Riding the waves of sorrow isn’t always easy, but it will alchemize you, if you allow it to. 

What I have discovered recently is that life can be quite heavy when we keep our hearts closed and our minds rigid. When we would rather look for ways that we are different instead of the many ways that we are the same. And I have found great joy and purpose in allowing the compassion that I have found for myself to spill over onto all of those that I come into contact with. To allow this open heart and mind to hold space for others as they navigate their journeys. 

Today, I find myself called to work with those who are aging or nearing the end of their lives and help them remember that it can be done with great compassion and grace. That it is a natural part of our cycle and even as they step into this chapter of their lives, that there is still much to learn and so much room to grow. And they have the courage within them to face it with an open heart. 

Here on this blog, you will find vulnerable musings from my life. You’ll hear tips and information, suggestions, and success stories. You’ll find information about caretaking and burn-out, and of transforming and alchemizing feelings and emotions. I’ll share about grief, love, anger, and life. Of letting death transform you. The blog will be a combination of far more than just caretaking tips. It will be a living resource of experiences and reflections from Life. And I hope you choose to share and comment as well! 

I recently heard someone say, “Let your mess become your message,” and I found such a resonance with it. What better way to share with others than to share the experiences that we’ve lived through firsthand; that we’ve overcome, transformed, and embodied and shine a little light for others in the process. 

My hope is that by sharing vulnerably and openly, it allows others to see that we are all navigating beautiful and treacherous terrain here in our lives. And there is always something to gather from others. The truth is, we are all evolving. Every day. It is only through witnessing others and sharing of ourselves that we can truly get to know who each of us is. 

I am so honored that you have chosen to join me here in my little corner of the internet and I’m grateful to share this space with you. Thank you for being here on this journey with me. Let’s discover what it means to live The Graceful Way. 


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