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Daily Life Tasks

Free up energy for the joys of your life.

What once used to seem easy can now feel daunting as you or your loved one navigates this next phase in the journey.  Maybe cooking once brought pleasure but now it takes forever to prepare a meal and you find you don’t even enjoy sitting down to eat it.  You may have once loved your cozy home and the peace you felt there but cleaning it now takes all of your energy and exhausts you.  You may now feel uncomfortable or worn out in the space you once found sanctuary in. 

Daily tasks of life can become overwhelming and bring about more isolation, crushed by the weight of trying to do it all.

It would be my pleasure to help with your daily tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Meal preparation
  • Laundry
  • Cleaning
  • Trash
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Personal Care


Walking beside you on your journey with an open heart and compassion.

Remaining social is one of our greatest needs. Age or illness can bring isolation as one may feel a burden to others, or that others may not understand or want to listen to stories, concerns, fears or questions. 

It would be my pleasure to witness your journey, to hear your stories and to arrive with an open heart and mind to all you wish to share. 

If you are caring for a loved one, companionship as respite care for yourself is also included under this. Taking time for yourself while knowing your loved one is still receiving care and company is paramount. We cannot pour from an empty cup. 

Legacy Preparation

Sharing your beautifully unique story with your loved ones.

We all have items and stories that we treasure; Things from our past or present that make us feel joy when we hold them and remember the memories attached to them.

Many of us may not want to sit with and face these items as we age or near our death because we do not want to think of a time when we are no longer physically here.

But left untouched, the time may come upon us and we wish we would’ve told our families the stories that accompanied them, or turned them into keepsakes to pass down to our children or grandchildren so the stories of our lives may continue to live on through future generations. 

Facing our mortality is painful.  But it is also beautiful as it allows us the opportunity to not only reflect on our lives, but the opportunity to sit and share our stories with those we love the most.

Legacy preparation will be as unique as the individual.

It could be as simple as passing down a favorite jersey to a grandson, or as elaborate as upcycling old silverware into artwork so each member of the family has a piece.

We each have tangible items that we love or stories that we want to share, and we each have a beautifully unique way we want to see our legacy live on.

How do you want your loved ones to remember you?

It would be my pleasure to work with you to create a legacy project to honor your life and share your story.

Journeying Deeper

When it is time for our journey to continue into the unknown.

We all reach a time in our lives when this part of our journey here on Earth in these physical bodies must come to an end. Most of us find it easier to shy away from it, maybe pretending the day will never arrive. However, not acknowledging death allows us to take our lives for granted. It is only through knowing and facing death that we find gratitude for this beautiful and rich life we’ve all been granted.

As you or your loved one near this sacred time leading to the next part of the journey, please know I can be available to offer you support then as well.

It has been a privilege for me to recently tutor under a long-time Hospice Nurse/End of Life Doula through the Care Doula School of Accompanying the Dying as a way of refining my presence with those who are approaching the end of their lives. With a focus on bringing respect and dignity to the end of life and viewing it as the beautifully sacred moment that it is in our lives, we all benefit from the shared wisdom we garner when we approach death with an open heart, as it truly touches us all. My personal mission overlaps with that of my
mentor’s; to reduce suffering during aging and illness by providing exceptional and empowered care and companionship, by providing peace of mind, information, and sacred presence to the needs and desires of my clients. Through compassion and grace, softening the edges around one of life’s most potent times.

This will look different for each of us, and we will sit down to discuss your needs and how I may assist and comfort you and your family. It would be my pleasure to walk with you during this sacred and powerful time.

We are certified by the Care Doula School of Accompanying the Dying. If you’d like to learn more about their program, please click below. 

Next Steps

New Client Get Together

Appointment Setup

If you’ve read through my story and my offerings and you feel ready to take the next step, we will set up a time for a virtual consultation to get a feel for each other- at no cost to you. 

Virtual Meeting

This will offer us roughly 30 minutes to an hour to discuss the needs of your or your loved one, ask questions, share concerns, express desires, and intentions, and feel if this is a good partnership to move forward. If it feels like a good match, we will set up a time for our official New Client Get Together to begin to discuss a care plan based on our conversation. This will take place in you or your loved one’s home and will be considered the first official visit. This meeting will be roughly 1-2 hours long. 

In-Home New Client Get Together

After the first two interviews, we can get started. If you are hiring for a loved one and you live out of state or out of the area, we will set up their care plan with a virtual New Client Get Together. From here, I kindly ask that you please be in touch with them (the day of) before my first official visit so that you may remind them that you are bringing me onboard to assist them. I will also do this when I arrive, but it will be a much softer transition for them if they are hearing it from their loved ones first. 

Application and Processing

At our initial New Client Get Together, we will fill out all paperwork including, but not limited to: 


Non-Medical Care Waiver

Payment Policy

Client Information Packet

Key Agreement*

Care Plan Schedule

*Please be sure to have a house key available to leave on file with me at our New Client Get Together. 

Let's Create a Plan

One or all of these services may speak to you. Know that when we agree to work together, you will let me know what your needs are and we will create a plan and schedule that fits your desires.

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